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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Almost was Bad and Didn't Post Anything Today!

I think I have an ear inflection and feel blech but a bit of Tylenol has it at a dull roar and a bit of inspiration (which I definitely will be writing something about in the next few days) has got me writing what I know you all want - another incredibly lame haiku!


It is almost here.
My being dances with joy.
Girl can almost drive.

Get on my case if I don't write about inspiration by Monday.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Dreams are So Incredibly Odd

Last night I had a very weird dream.  This is not an unusual occurrence, mind you, and I sometimes wonder why some of us have such bizarro vivid dreams while others (like my husband) can hardly ever remember anything they dream.  But mine I almost always remember in great detail.  At least in great detail for the few hours after I awaken before they start to fade.

In the dream, I was running with two of my childhood friends down a steep hill which just happened to be their backyard.  My recollection of this particular house of theirs was that it did not have a backyard like this at all but dreams are funny things.  At the end of the steep hill was a sculpture park that actually was behind this particular house.

The sculpture park in reality I remember being a very odd thing.  It was sculptures in the midst of overgrown fields that also just happened to be cow pasture.  So amongst the long dead grasses you would have to watch your step to avoid tragically stepping in cow manure.  The place was called Connemara and was a wonderland for three girls who had fantastic dreams and overactive minds.  There were sculptures intermingled with the aforementioned long grasses and woodlands.  I vaguely recall an area I particularly liked which was more like a secluded copse with a tree I could climb and hide in and pretend it was my fort.  We had some very good times there and I wondered if Connemara truly existed as I named it or if it was something completely different and Connemara was another wild fragment of my rememberances.  But, lo and behold,  I think it must have changed a lot because I recall it being free.  Or maybe we were rebels and snuck in.  Although I seriously doubt the latter happened as I also recall us being rule followers.

Back to my dream, it was a beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze that was gently blowing the long grasses in a hypnotic dance.  The air smelled of the end of summer transitioning into fall (and probably also cow manure because of the setting but it wasn't in my dream).  We played for several hours with the carefree abandon we had as children.  Oddly, however, we were our adult selves doing this.  We still were in the mindset of our childhood selves as we did not talk nor do I recall having a husband or child or any of us talking about our families.  No, it was our adult selves having fun as if we were children again.

The sun began to set and we realized we were hungry.  We went back towards my friend's house and suddenly the neighborhood changed to the one I had lived in shortly before Joe and I made the decision to move from Michigan.  For some reason that is only determinable in the odd realm of dreams, one of my friends had disappeared and the other one and I decided to go into a house near my old one which the owners had been moving and was up for sale.

We entered the large two story house and began to look around.  I'll never know for sure why we thought we'd find food there of all places especially when my own house, the one my adult self owned anyway, was nearby.  But we were determined.  And we found not only food in the form of honeycrisp apples but also the neighbors that were supposed to have moved out several months before.  Oddly, thinking of these people in my dreams, they were not the neighbors I remembered but instead complete strangers.  The husband was pleasant enough and offered us the apples which we took gladly but the wife was cold and distant.  Mean.  But she let her husband offer us and let us take the apples so she must've been perhaps a little kind deep down inside.

My friend and I talked about the neighbors and I related to her their troubles with selling their house as we walked towards the door we had come in I presume to head back to my house but I will never know as we stepped through the door eating our apples I woke up.

It was an odd dream and, like so many of my dreams, I'm sure I will wonder for a while what it was really about before it fades from memory.  But I may never know.

Any speculation?  Feel free to sound off below.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

So I've Decided to Start a Blog

Why you may ask?  There have been a few moments in the time that I've been considering it that I've asked myself that question.  And the answer is for me.  I want to write a book.  It's on my bucket list.  And lately I've had zero motivation to write a single thing.

You see I used to love writing.  I took part in several simms (which for those of you not in the know are pretty much collaborative writing projects) and even loved crafting emails to send out at work.  Now though?  I kind of hate it.  I had a bad experience on one of the simms I was taking part in which led to me quitting all of them.  I then tried with the assistance of a dear friend that I met on one of those simms to get the encouragement to finally write that novel and cross it off my bucket list.  I had a lot of ideas I liked and had quite a few starts but then my love of even that fizzled and all I wanted to do is anything but write.

So I'm forcing myself to write this blog to hopefully get that inspiration that will lead me to finally completing that dream.  I'm realistic.  I don't even care if I am published I just want that sense of accomplishment that comes from starting something you've wanted a good part of your life and finally realizing it.

So my goal is to regale you daily with whatever I feel like writing about that day whether it be music, TV, books, video games, my daughter, my husband, my family's attempts at going gluten free, recipes I liked or even my frustrations with writing itself.  Anything will go on here and I hope you enjoy (although likely I will have my mother and possibly my husband reading this).

I'm hoping I enjoy this process too...