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Monday, October 6, 2014


I know, I know. I was supposed to write something by today about inspiration. But you know what? I’m not going to because I found there was a more important theme to my day that I’d prefer to discuss and that’s gratitude. I hope you can all put up with two straight days of feel good posts and don’t drop me like a hot potato!

So I woke up today kind of blah. Still not feeling 100% from my sinus infection and had to get up earlier than I wanted because I had to take Emily to a doctor’s appointment. Then we didn’t get out of the door as quickly as I wanted and the car was covered (again) in bird poop and I realized I’d need gas at some point before I made the drive in to work tomorrow which made me remember my three day weekend was coming to a close so BLAH.

But somewhere along the way today my attitude started to change. Maybe it was the fact that I could get gas at the gas station when we stopped for Em and I to use the restroom. Maybe it was the fact that despite getting a late start to the appointment and driving in rush hour traffic we still managed to not be late to the appointment and I found it with no issues even though I had never been to this doctor or location. Maybe it was the nice visit I had with my parents after when I took Em there to spend the rest of her fall break with them. It may have been all of these and other things but really I can’t quite put my finger on what changed my attitude I just know it did change.

And I became grateful. For a day off from work so I can take care of my daughter. For a car to take her to her appointment and for being able to afford the gas to get her there. For my insurance that will take care of the bill. For my daughter who is awesome and funny and makes a friend in pretty much everyone. For my parents who went through so much to get me where I am today and also for being neat people to not only have a conversation with but who humor my daughter with her almost one track video game mind. For my health. For my safety in getting back home. For my husband who, after I got home, offered to watch TV with me while we ate dinner. For the healthy food that we have to eat. For the fact I really no longer crave things like fast food. For the house I live in which, while not as close into town as I would like, is really quite nice and in a safe area. For my cats who love me unconditionally and often make me laugh. For a job that I don’t dread going to tomorrow and where I have friends that I enjoy spending time with. For people who put up with this obsession I have to write something and actually read it.

I have a lot to be grateful for and I’m going to try in the coming days and months and years to remind myself of these things so I can continue to be content with the hand life has dealt me.


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