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Friday, October 17, 2014

Product Review: Belly Flops

So I've decided I will occasionally regale you with myself trying a new product and letting you know what I think. Today at the 99 cent only store I found a product called "Belly Flops" jelly beans from the makers of Jelly Belly. I love Jelly Belly jelly beans so this was definitely something I had to pick up. They market the product as "irregular jelly beans" and the verbiage on the back is such: "Have you heard of Belly Flops? They aren't available very often but when they are Jelly Belly fans love to snap up our famous Belly Flops. These special beans taste great but don't quite meet all of our demanding standards for size, color, shape and flavor."

First of all I call b.s. on their famous claim. I had never heard of them before discovering them at the 99 cent store but let's try these things..

The first thing I noticed opening the bag is there are some funny looking ones. After trying some that looked like some of my favorite flavors, though, I can speak with confidence that they taste just like the jelly beans I love but were a ton cheaper. Granted it is only 4.7 ounces but still totally worth it.

Grade: 10/10. Quite pleased with this awesome find!

P.S.  Tried to include a picture but for some reason this Google Blogger won't let me do a lot aside from type.  Super annoying.

And by the way, the juicy pear flavor Belly Flops are just as nasty as the original.  Yuck.

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